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Athlete profile: Yngve Skogstad
NOTE! Athlete background is outdated, last updated Unknown date. Athlete information may be outdated!
World Ranking Middle/Long 2225 (as of 26/3/2025)
ClubFrol IL

Overall World Cup (WC Overall)
Best result 59. place:

WC Overall 2015

[Click to show all WC Overall results]

Junior World Orienteering Championships (JWOC)
1. place: Once

2011, Long, Rumia - Wejherowo, Poland

Best for each discipline:

Long: 1. place 2011, Rumia - Wejherowo, Poland
Middle: 15. place 2011, Rumia - Wejherowo, Poland
Sprint: 36. place 2011, Rumia - Wejherowo, Poland

[Click to show all JWOC results]

Note that some EYOC results may be missing.

Best result 11. place:

2009, Long, Kopaonik, Serbia

Best for each discipline:

Long: 11. place 2009, Kopaonik, Serbia
Sprint: 63. place 2009, Kopaonik, Serbia
Relay: 12. place 2009, Kopaonik, Serbia

[Click to show all EYOC results]

Other international results

2012: Jukola 2012, 13. place (4. leg, Out: 23. place, In: 21. place, Frol IL)
2011: Jukola 2011, 36. place (6. leg, Out: 41. place, In: 34. place, Frol IL)
2010: Jukola 2010, 48. place (3. leg, Out: 125. place, In: 76. place, Frol IL)

IOF World Ranking:
World Ranking position: Middle/Long 2225 (as of 26/3/2025)
See also all IOF WRE results for Yngve Skogstad including updated WR position

Yngve Skogstad is found under the following names:
Yngve Skogstad (26 times) .

Maps from Omaps and 3DRerun
Tour de Trondheim jaktstart Tour de Trondheim langdistanse Mellomdistanse Kastbrekkåsen Treningsløype Skillevollen KM ultralang Nordland KM mellom Nordland Forkortet kortdistanse Åga Postplukk Kvitvatnan Test av kalksteinsparadis O-intervall Fagerlia Mapant-test Rennimarka O-løp Sortland O-intervall (delvis hardt) Lišmmajohka Kurve-o Pasvik Postplukk Playa del Varanger Retningsøkt Suolovárguolbba Postplukk Øver-Stilla Mellom?distanse Reinfjellia Mapant-test Krystallgrotta Karttest Bjørnheia H 21 felles H 21 sløyfer Forkortet ultralang Langdistanse Skarpåsen Postplukk Vikåsen Mellomdistanse Trolla NC fellesstart H 21 NC fellesstart Garnes Avbrutt langdistanse NM stafett NM mellom H 21 NM mellom finale NM mellom kvalifisering Norwegian Champs Long M21 NM lang H 21 NM langdistanse NM-trening #3 NM-trening #1 NM-trening #2 Tour de Trondheim dag 3 Tour de Trondheim dag 2 Nærterreng-o Stafettintervaller Stortjønna Langdistanse del I Langdistanse del II Retning Gorsetsætra Postplukk Kåsen Mellomdistanse Rønningen MNM stafett MNM lang