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Athlete profile: Emil Wingstedt
NOTE! Athlete background is outdated, last updated August 2010
Has international medals from all diciplins, winning four EOC sprints and the WOC-sprints in 2005 and 2006. Lived in Norway for many years, first in Trondheim competing for NTNUI, then for Halden- winning Tiomila and Jukola with Halden. Lives together with Anja Mattick, a former member of the german national team. They have three children; Liam, born 2005, Minna, born 2007. A runner for the big occasions!
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World Ranking Middle/Long 1687 (as of 25/3/2025)
Born placeVäxjö (SWE)
Born year1975
LivesHalden (NOR)

World Orienteering Championships (WOC)
3 gold medals

2006, Sprint, Aarhus, Denmark
2005, Sprint, Aichi, Japan
2003, Relay, Rapperswil/Jona, Switzerland

1 silver medal

2007, Relay, Kiev, Ukraine

3 bronze medals

2006, Relay, Aarhus, Denmark
2004, Relay, Västerås, Sweden
2003, Long, Rapperswil/Jona, Switzerland

Best for each discipline:

Long: Bronze 2003, Rapperswil/Jona, Switzerland
Middle: 4. place 2004, Västerås, Sweden
Sprint: Gold last time 2006, Aarhus, Denmark
Relay: Gold 2003, Rapperswil/Jona, Switzerland

[Click to show all WOC results]

Overall World Cup (WC Overall)
Best result 4. place:

WC Overall 2000

[Click to show all WC Overall results]

European Orienteering Championships (EOC)
4 gold medals

2008, Sprint, Ventspils, Latvia
2006, Sprint, Otepää, Estonia
2004, Sprint, Roskilde, Denmark
2002, Sprint, Sümeg, Hungary

2 silver medals

2002, Relay, Sümeg, Hungary
2002, Long, Sümeg, Hungary

5 bronze medals

2010, Sprint, Primorsko, Bulgaria
2008, Long, Ventspils, Latvia
2004, Relay, Roskilde, Denmark
2004, Middle, Roskilde, Denmark
2004, Long, Roskilde, Denmark

Best for each discipline:

Long: Silver 2002, Sümeg, Hungary
Middle: Bronze 2004, Roskilde, Denmark
Sprint: Gold last time 2008, Ventspils, Latvia
Relay: Silver 2002, Sümeg, Hungary

[Click to show all EOC results]

Open Nordic Orienteering Championships (NOC)
3 gold medals

2009, Relay, Salo, Finland
2003, Sprint, Flen, Sweden
2003, Long, Flen, Sweden

Best for each discipline:

Long: Gold 2003, Flen, Sweden
Middle: 6. place 2003, Flen, Sweden
Sprint: Gold 2003, Flen, Sweden
Relay: Gold 2009, Salo, Finland

[Click to show all NOC results]

World Cup (WC)
1. place: 8 times

2008, WC no. 1, Ventspils, LAT, Sprint, EOC
2006, WC no. 5, Århus, DEN, Sprint, WOC
2006, WC no. 1, Otepää, EST, Sprint, EOC
2005, WC no. 5, Aichi, JPN, Sprint, WOC
2004, WC no. 2, Roskilde, DEN, Sprint, EOC
2002, WC no. 13, Sümeg, HUN, Sprint, EOC
2000, WC no. 11, Marina Grande, POR, Classic
2000, WC no. 10, Marina Grande, POR, Short

2. place: Once

2002, WC no. 14, Sümeg, HUN, Long, EOC

3. place: 8 times

2010, WC no. 1, Primorsko, BUL, Sprint, EOC
2009, WC no. 4, Oslo - O-festival, NOR, Long
2008, WC no. 5, Oslo - O-festival, NOR, Long
2008, WC no. 2, Ventspils, LAT, Long, EOC
2007, WC no. 5, Mjölby - O-Ringen, SWE, Sprint
2007, WC no. 1, Lapua - Jukola, FIN, Sprint
2004, WC no. 3, Roskilde, DEN, Long, EOC
2004, WC no. 1, Roskilde, DEN, Middle, EOC

[Click to show all WC results]

Junior World Orienteering Championships (JWOC)
Best result 6. place:

1995, Relay, Horsens, Denmark

Best for each discipline:

Long: 16. place 1995, Horsens, Denmark
Middle: 32. place 1995, Horsens, Denmark
Relay: 6. place 1995, Horsens, Denmark

[Click to show all JWOC results]

Other international results

Individual results:
2004: PWT 2004-2, 2. place (Lecce, ITA)
2004: PWT 2004-1, 4. place (Gravina di Ginosa, ITA)
2003: PWT 2003-7, 1. place (Eksjö (Stora torget), Sweden)
2003: PWT 2003-6, 17. place (Jönköping (Stadsparken), Sweden)
2003: PWT 2003-5, 11. place (Växjö (Teleborg), Sweden)
2002: Springcup, 5. place
2001: Worldgames, 7. place
2012: Jukola 2012, 3. place (3. leg, Out: 2. place, In: 3. place, Halden SK)
2011: Jukola 2011, 1. place (6. leg, Out: 4. place, In: 1. place, Halden SK)
2010: Jukola 2010, 1. place (6. leg, Out: 1. place, In: 1. place, Halden SK)
2009: Jukola 2009, 3. place (7. leg, Out: 1. place, In: 3. place, Halden SK)
2007: Jukola 2007, 2. place (6. leg, Out: 4. place, In: 2. place, Halden SK)
2006: Jukola 2006, 5. place (6. leg, Out: 2. place, In: 2. place, Halden SK)
2005: Jukola 2005, 2. place (7. leg, Out: 1. place, In: 2. place, Halden SK)
2004: Jukola 2004, 2. place (7. leg, Out: 1. place, In: 2. place, Halden SK)
2003: Jukola 2003, 1. place (2. leg, Out: 103. place, In: 12. place, Halden SK)
2002: Jukola 2002, 24. place (7. leg, Out: 25. place, In: 24. place, NTNUI)
2001: Jukola 2001, 27. place (7. leg, Out: 39. place, In: 27. place, NTNUI)
2000: Jukola 2000, 26. place (7. leg, Out: 33. place, In: 26. place, NTNUI)
1998: Jukola 1998, 41. place (4. leg, Out: 38. place, In: 29. place, NTNUI)
1997: Jukola 1997, 66. place (7. leg, Out: 81. place, In: 66. place, NTHI)
1996: Jukola 1996, 25. place (6. leg, Out: 16. place, In: 16. place, NTHI)

IOF World Ranking:
World Ranking position: Middle/Long 1687 (as of 25/3/2025)
See also all IOF WRE results for Emil Wingstedt including updated WR position

Emil Wingstedt is found under the following names:
Emil Wingstedt (153 times) .

Maps from Omaps and 3DRerun
NM sprint H 21 NM sprint H 21 Norwegian Championships Sprint 2016: H21 NM sprint H21 2015 NM sprint H21 H 21 siste H 21 sløyfer Blodslitet 2013 M21E Blodslitet 2013 H 21 siste Blodslitet 2013 H 21 NM mellom H 21 NM langdistanse H 21 O-Festivalen 2013 dag 3 H 21 O-Festivalen 2013 dag 2 H 21 O-Festivalen 2013 dag 1 H 21 NM sprint H 21 Pinseløpene 2013 mandag H 21 Pinseløpene 2013 Søndag H 21 NC lang H 21 KnockOut Sprint Semifinaler KnockOut Sprint Superfinaler Blodslitet 2012 H 21 siste Blodslitet 2012 H 21 runder O-Ringen 2012 Etapp 3 (sprint) H21 NM sprint H 21 Silva League 2012-05-04 H21 Norwegian spring H21 NM natt 2012 H21-2 NM natt 2012 H21-1 BSC 2012 Puljesprint Herrer A-finale BSC 2012 Puljesprint Herrer Alle BSC 2012 Bysprint Herrer BSC 2012 Nattsprint Herrer Camp Norway Jaktstart Herrer NM mellom H21 NM lang 2011. H21 O-Ringen 2011 Etapp 5 H21 O-Ringen 2011 Etapp 4 H21 O-Ringen 2011 Etapp 3 H21 O-Ringen 2011 Etapp 2 H21 O-Ringen 2011 Etapp 1 H21 Elitserien, Medeldistans H21 25 april 2011 Elitserien Long April 2011, H21, Sweden Elitserien, Långdistans H21 24 april 2011 Blodslitet H21 Blodslitet H21 siste runde NM Mellomdistanse H21