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Athlete profile: Teemu Oksanen
WoO RankingOverall: 82, Sprint: 41, Long: 132
World Ranking Middle/Long 38 / Sprint 13 (as of 26/3/2025)

World Orienteering Championships (WOC)
Best result 14. place:

2024, KO-Sprint, Edinburgh, Scotland

Best for each discipline:

KO-Sprint: 14. place 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland

[Click to show all WOC results]

European Orienteering Championships (EOC)
1 bronze medal

2023, MixedRelay, Trentino - Veneto, Italy

Best for each discipline:

Long: 24. place 2024, Mor, Hungary
Middle: 41. place 2024, Mor, Hungary
Sprint: 26. place 2023, Trentino - Veneto, Italy
Relay: DSQ 2024, Mor, Hungary
MixedRelay: Bronze 2023, Trentino - Veneto, Italy
KO-Sprint: 55. place 2023, Trentino - Veneto, Italy

[Click to show all EOC results]

Junior World Orienteering Championships (JWOC)
Best result 8. place:

2019, Relay, Denmark

Best for each discipline:

Long: 11. place 2019, Denmark
Middle: 34. place 2019, Denmark
Sprint: 18. place 2019, Denmark
Relay: 8. place 2019, Denmark

[Click to show all JWOC results]

Other international results

IOF World Ranking:
World Ranking position: Middle/Long 38 / Sprint 13 (as of 26/3/2025)
See also all IOF WRE results for Teemu Oksanen including updated WR position

Teemu Oksanen is found under the following names:
Teemu Oksanen (29 times) .

Maps from Omaps and 3DRerun
Finnish Championships Sprint 2024 SM-sprintti, M21 Yöcup 2 Yöcup 1 KeparDIn mestikset 25manna SM-yö SM-yö karsinta SM-viesti SM-keskimatka karsinta SM-keskimatka SM-pitkä SM-pitkä karsinta WUOC Relay WUOC Middle WUOC Sprint Relay WUOC Sprint Helsinki O-Games SM-sprintti Q SM-sprintti 10mila KO-näyttökisa osa1 KO-näyttökisa osa2 EspooSprintti ap EspooSprintti ip Finnspring viesti ASOM WRE-sprint ASOM Knock-Out Qual ASOM Knock-Out Quarter MOC day2 WRE MOC day1 Chiatona east Chiatona west NAOM E3 WRE-middle NAOM E2 WRE-sprint NAOM E1 WOC2022-esikisat: Knockout Q WOC2022-esikisat: Knockout QF WOC2022-esikisat: Knockout SF WOC2022-esikisat: Knockout F WOC2022-esikisat: Sprintti, karsinta WOC2022-esikisat: Sprintti Euromeeting long Euromeeting middle Viestiliigan finaali SM-viesti SM-sprintti SM-pitkä Jukola Nokian Knock-Out: Karsinta