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Athlete profile: Simone Niggli
NOTE! Athlete background is outdated, last updated 2014-07-04 11:06:52
The biggest star in the sport of orienteering, ever. Retired from the national team after the 2013 season, but has continued to run international races on top level. With more WOC-golds than you can count(!) she is leading all the statistics. Twice has she won all the four golds at a WOC (2003 and 2005). Educated in biology - she has lived as a professional orienteer for years. Her maiden name is Luder, and she is married to Matthias Niggli, who is now manager of the Swiss o-team.
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World Ranking Middle/Long 1334 (as of 25/3/2025)
Born placeBurgdorf (SUI)
Born year1978
LivesMünsingen (SUI)

World Orienteering Championships (WOC)
23 gold medals

2013, Sprint, Vuokatti, Finland
2013, Middle, Vuokatti, Finland
2013, Long, Vuokatti, Finland
2012, Sprint, Lausanne, Switzerland
2012, Relay, Lausanne, Switzerland
2012, Long, Lausanne, Switzerland
2010, Sprint, Trondheim, Norway
2010, Long, Trondheim, Norway
2009, Long, Miskolc, Hungary
2007, Sprint, Kiev, Ukraine
2007, Middle, Kiev, Ukraine
2006, Middle, Aarhus, Denmark
2006, Long, Aarhus, Denmark
2005, Sprint, Aichi, Japan
2005, Relay, Aichi, Japan
2005, Middle, Aichi, Japan
2005, Long, Aichi, Japan
2004, Sprint, Västerås, Sweden
2003, Sprint, Rapperswil/Jona, Switzerland
2003, Relay, Rapperswil/Jona, Switzerland
2003, Middle, Rapperswil/Jona, Switzerland
2003, Long, Rapperswil/Jona, Switzerland
2001, Long, Tampere, Finland

2 silver medals

2010, Middle, Trondheim, Norway
2006, Sprint, Aarhus, Denmark

6 bronze medals

2013, Relay, Vuokatti, Finland
2009, Sprint, Miskolc, Hungary
2009, Middle, Miskolc, Hungary
2007, Long, Kiev, Ukraine
2006, Relay, Aarhus, Denmark
2001, Sprint, Tampere, Finland

Best for each discipline:

Long: Gold last time 2013, Vuokatti, Finland
Middle: Gold last time 2013, Vuokatti, Finland
Sprint: Gold last time 2013, Vuokatti, Finland
Relay: Gold last time 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland

[Click to show all WOC results]

Overall World Cup (WC Overall)
1. place: 9 times

WC Overall 2013
WC Overall 2012
WC Overall 2010
WC Overall 2009
WC Overall 2007
WC Overall 2006
WC Overall 2005
WC Overall 2004
WC Overall 2002

2. place: Once

WC Overall 2000

[Click to show all WC Overall results]

European Orienteering Championships (EOC)
10 gold medals

2012, Sprint, Falun, Sweden
2012, Middle, Falun, Sweden
2012, Long, Falun, Sweden
2010, Middle, Primorsko, Bulgaria
2010, Long, Primorsko, Bulgaria
2006, Sprint, Otepää, Estonia
2006, Long, Otepää, Estonia
2004, Sprint, Roskilde, Denmark
2004, Long, Roskilde, Denmark
2002, Long, Sümeg, Hungary

4 silver medals

2010, Sprint, Primorsko, Bulgaria
2006, Relay, Otepää, Estonia
2002, Relay, Sümeg, Hungary
2000, Middle, Truskavets, Ukraine

1 bronze medal

2010, Relay, Primorsko, Bulgaria

Best for each discipline:

Long: Gold last time 2012, Falun, Sweden
Middle: Gold last time 2012, Falun, Sweden
Sprint: Gold last time 2012, Falun, Sweden
Relay: Silver last time 2006, Otepää, Estonia

[Click to show all EOC results]

Open Nordic Orienteering Championships (NOC)
2 gold medals

2007, Middle, Bornholm, Denmark
2007, Long, Bornholm, Denmark

5 silver medals

2007, Relay, Bornholm, Denmark
2005, Sprint, Notodden, Norway
2005, Middle, Notodden, Norway
2005, Long, Notodden, Norway
2001, Long, Mikkeli, Finland

1 bronze medal

2005, Relay, Notodden, Norway

Best for each discipline:

Long: Gold 2007, Bornholm, Denmark
Middle: Gold 2007, Bornholm, Denmark
Sprint: Silver 2005, Notodden, Norway
Relay: Silver 2007, Bornholm, Denmark

[Click to show all NOC results]

World Cup (WC)
1. place: 68 times

2013, WC no. 13, PostFinancesprint, SUI, Sprint
2013, WC no. 12, PostFinancesprint, SUI, Middle
2013, WC no. 11, Vuokatti, Finland, Middle, WOC
2013, WC no. 11, Vuokatti, Finland, Middle, WOC
2013, WC no. 10, Vuokatti, Finland, Long, WOC
2013, WC no. 9, Vuokatti, Finland, Sprint, WOC
2013, WC no. 8, NORT, FIN, Middle
2013, WC no. 7, NORT, FIN, Sprint
2013, WC no. 5, NORT, NOR, Middle
2013, WC no. 4, NORT, NOR, Sprint
2012, WC no. 13, NORT, FIN, Middle
2012, WC no. 12, NORT, FIN, Sprint
2012, WC no. 10, NORT, NOR, Middle
2012, WC no. 9, NORT, NOR, Sprint
2012, WC no. 8, Lausanne, Switzerland, Long, WOC
2012, WC no. 6, Lausanne, Switzerland, Sprint, WOC
2012, WC no. 5, Postfinancesprint, SUI, Sprint
2012, WC no. 4, Postfinancesprint, SUI, Middle
2012, WC no. 3, Falun, SWE, Sprint, EOC
2012, WC no. 2, Falun, SWE, Long, EOC
2012, WC no. 1, Falun, SWE, Middle, EOC
2010, WC no. 12, Postfinancesprint, SUI, Sprint
2010, WC no. 11, Postfinancesprint, SUI, Middle
2010, WC no. 10, WC-final, FRA, Long
2010, WC no. 8, Trondheim, NOR, Long, WOC
2010, WC no. 7, Trondheim, NOR, Sprint, WOC
2010, WC no. 6, NORT, NOR, Middle
2010, WC no. 4, NORT, FIN, Middle
2010, WC no. 3, Primorsko, BUL, Long, EOC
2010, WC no. 2, Primorsko, BUL, Middle, EOC
2009, WC no. 9, Postfinancesprint, SUI, Sprint
2009, WC no. 8, Postfinancesprint, SUI, Middle
2009, WC no. 7, Miskolc, HUN, Long, WOC
2007, WC no. 10, Stein am Rhein - Swisscup, SUI, Sprint
2007, WC no. 9, Stein am Rhein - Swisscup, SUI, Middle
2007, WC no. 8, Kiev, UKR, Sprint, WOC
2007, WC no. 6, Kiev, UKR, Middle, WOC
2007, WC no. 5, Mjölby - O-Ringen, SWE, Sprint
2007, WC no. 3, Mjölby - O-Ringen, SWE, Long
2007, WC no. 2, Bykle - O-festival, NOR, Middle
2007, WC no. 1, Lapua - Jukola, FIN, Sprint
2006, WC no. 9, Auvergne, FRA, Long
2006, WC no. 7, Århus, DEN, Middle, WOC
2006, WC no. 6, Århus, DEN, Long, WOC
2006, WC no. 3, Otepää, EST, Long, EOC
2006, WC no. 1, Otepää, EST, Sprint, EOC
2005, WC no. 11, Subiaco, ITA, Long
2005, WC no. 10, Subiaco, ITA, Sprint
2005, WC no. 7, Aichi, JPN, Long, WOC
2005, WC no. 6, Aichi, JPN, Middle, WOC
2005, WC no. 5, Aichi, JPN, Sprint, WOC
2005, WC no. 2, Surrey Hills, GBR, Long
2004, WC no. 11, Dresden, GER, Long
2004, WC no. 9, Dresden, GER, Sprint
2004, WC no. 5, Västerås, SWE, Sprint, WOC
2004, WC no. 3, Roskilde, DEN, Long, EOC
2004, WC no. 2, Roskilde, DEN, Sprint, EOC
2002, WC no. 15, Brno, CZE, Sprint
2002, WC no. 14, Sümeg, HUN, Long, EOC
2002, WC no. 10, Idre, SWE, Ultralong
2002, WC no. 9, Idre, SWE, Middle
2002, WC no. 7, Tynset, NOR, Long
2002, WC no. 5, Fribourg, SUI, Long
2002, WC no. 3, Lausanne, SUI, Sprint
2002, WC no. 2, Chiny/Arlon, BEL, Long
2000, WC no. 9, Lathi, FIN, Ultra-short
2000, WC no. 8, Lahti, FIN, 3-days
2000, WC no. 4, Canberra, AUS, Classic

2. place: 9 times

2013, WC no. 6, NORT, SWE, Sprint
2010, WC no. 9, Trondheim, NOR, Middle, WOC
2010, WC no. 1, Primorsko, BUL, Sprint, EOC
2006, WC no. 5, Århus, DEN, Sprint, WOC
2005, WC no. 9, Subiaco, ITA, Middle
2005, WC no. 4, Surrey Hills, GBR, Middle
2005, WC no. 3, Surrey Hills, GBR, Sprint
2002, WC no. 6, Røros, NOR, Sprint
2000, WC no. 7, Truskavets, UKR, Middle, EOC

3. place: 4 times

2009, WC no. 6, Miskolc, HUN, Sprint, WOC
2009, WC no. 5, Miskolc, HUN, Middle, WOC
2009, WC no. 4, Oslo - O-festival, NOR, Long
2007, WC no. 7, Kiev, UKR, Long, WOC

[Click to show all WC results]

Junior World Orienteering Championships (JWOC)
1. place: Once

1997, Long, Leopoldsburg, Belgium

2. place: Once

1996, Relay, Govora, Romania

3. place: 2 times

1998, Relay, Reims, France
1997, Relay, Leopoldsburg, Belgium

Best for each discipline:

Long: 1. place 1997, Leopoldsburg, Belgium
Middle: 6. place 1997, Leopoldsburg, Belgium
Relay: 2. place 1996, Govora, Romania

[Click to show all JWOC results]

Other international results

Individual results:
2007: Springcup, 1. place
2006: Springcup, 1. place
2005: Worldgames, 1. place
2004: PWT 2004-8, 1. place (Shanghai, CHN)
2004: PWT 2004-7, 1. place (Suzhou, CHN)
2004: PWT 2004-6, 1. place (Nanjing, CHN)
2004: PWT 2004-5, 1. place (Nagoya, JPN)
2004: PWT 2004-2, 1. place (Lecce, ITA)
2004: PWT 2004-1, 1. place (Gravina di Ginosa, ITA)
2003: Springcup, 1. place
2003: PWT 2003-7, 2. place (Eksjö (Stora torget), Sweden)
2003: PWT 2003-6, 5. place (Jönköping (Stadsparken), Sweden)
2003: PWT 2003-5, 1. place (Växjö (Teleborg), Sweden)
2002: Springcup, 1. place
2001: Worldgames, 5. place
2001: Springcup, 1. place
2000: Springcup, 2. place
2012: Venla 2012, 9. place (4. leg, Out: 11. place, In: 9. place, OK Tisaren)
2010: Venla 2010, 2. place (4. leg, Out: 4. place, In: 2. place, Ulricehamns OK)
2009: Venla 2009, 1. place (4. leg, Out: 1. place, In: 1. place, Ulricehamns OK)
2007: Venla 2007, 41. place (4. leg, Out: 103. place, In: 41. place, Ulricehamns OK)
2006: Venla 2006, 1. place (4. leg, Out: 1. place, In: 1. place, Ulricehamns OK)
2005: Venla 2005, 1. place (4. leg, Out: 1. place, In: 1. place, Ulricehamns OK)
2004: Venla 2004, 1. place (4. leg, Out: 4. place, In: 1. place, Ulricehamns OK)
2003: Venla 2003, 2. place (4. leg, Out: 4. place, In: 2. place, Turun Suunnistajat)
2002: Venla 2002, 1. place (4. leg, Out: 1. place, In: 1. place, Turun Suunnistajat)
2001: Venla 2001, 5. place (4. leg, Out: 9. place, In: 5. place, Turun Suunnistajat)
2000: Venla 2000, 3. place (4. leg, Out: 9. place, In: 3. place, Turun Suunnistajat)
1999: Venla 1999, 21. place (4. leg, Out: 17. place, In: 21. place, Turun Suunnistajat)

IOF World Ranking:
World Ranking position: Middle/Long 1334 (as of 25/3/2025)
See also all IOF WRE results for Simone Niggli including updated WR position

Simone Niggli is found under the following names:
Simone Luer (1 times) Simone Luder (25 times) Simone Niggli-Luder (141 times) Simone Niggli (188 times) .

The biggest star in the sport of orienteering, ever
Maps from Omaps and 3DRerun
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