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Athlete profile: Pasi Ikonen
NOTE! Athlete background is outdated, last updated August 2011
A major break thru in his first senior season by taking the gold medal in Finland 2001 on the middle distance. Well known for never using a compass (he doesn't even bring it with him). Never was back on the very top in the World Cup since 2002 - stabilizing in the top 10 but seldom getting in the top 6. Took an 8th place at WOC middle in 2010. Living together with Minna Kauppi.
World Ranking Middle/Long 1250 (as of 6/3/2025)
Born placeVihanti
Born year1980

World Orienteering Championships (WOC)
1 gold medal

2001, Middle, Tampere, Finland

2 silver medals

2011, Long, Savoie, France
2001, Sprint, Tampere, Finland

1 bronze medal

2007, Relay, Kiev, Ukraine

Best for each discipline:

Long: Silver 2011, Savoie, France
Middle: Gold 2001, Tampere, Finland
Sprint: Silver 2001, Tampere, Finland
Relay: Bronze 2007, Kiev, Ukraine

[Click to show all WOC results]

Overall World Cup (WC Overall)
Best result 4. place:

WC Overall 2002

[Click to show all WC Overall results]

European Orienteering Championships (EOC)
2 gold medals

2004, Relay, Roskilde, Denmark
2002, Relay, Sümeg, Hungary

2 bronze medals

2008, Relay, Ventspils, Latvia
2008, Middle, Ventspils, Latvia

Best for each discipline:

Long: 9. place 2008, Ventspils, Latvia
Middle: Bronze 2008, Ventspils, Latvia
Sprint: 14. place 2004, Roskilde, Denmark
Relay: Gold last time 2004, Roskilde, Denmark

[Click to show all EOC results]

Open Nordic Orienteering Championships (NOC)
1 gold medal

2003, Middle, Flen, Sweden

1 silver medal

2007, Relay, Bornholm, Denmark

Best for each discipline:

Long: 7. place 2007, Bornholm, Denmark
Middle: Gold 2003, Flen, Sweden
Sprint: 14. place 2003, Flen, Sweden
Relay: Silver 2007, Bornholm, Denmark

[Click to show all NOC results]

World Cup (WC)
1. place: 4 times

2011, WC no. 7, Liberec, CZE, Middle
2002, WC no. 9, Idre, SWE, Middle
2002, WC no. 7, Tynset, NOR, Long
2002, WC no. 2, Chiny/Arlon, BEL, Long

2. place: 3 times

2014, WC no. 7, Kongsberg, NOR, Middle
2011, WC no. 5, Savoie, France, Long, WOC
2008, WC no. 4, Oslo - O-festival, NOR, Middle

3. place: 2 times

2008, WC no. 3, Ventspils, LAT, Middle, EOC
2002, WC no. 5, Fribourg, SUI, Long

[Click to show all WC results]

Junior World Orienteering Championships (JWOC)
1. place: Once

1999, Relay, Varna, Bulgaria

2. place: 2 times

2000, Long, Nove Mesto na Morave, Czech Republic
1998, Relay, Reims, France

3. place: Once

2000, Relay, Nove Mesto na Morave, Czech Republic

Best for each discipline:

Long: 2. place 2000, Nove Mesto na Morave, Czech Republic
Middle: 6. place 1999, Varna, Bulgaria
Relay: 1. place 1999, Varna, Bulgaria

[Click to show all JWOC results]

Other international results

Individual results:
2007: Springcup, 8. place
2006: Springcup, 11. place
2004: PWT 2004-5, 5. place (Nagoya, JPN)
2002: Springcup, 53. place
2001: Springcup, 78. place
2012: Jukola 2012, 7. place (6. leg, Out: 8. place, In: 7. place, Vaajakosken Terä)
2011: Jukola 2011, 4. place (7. leg, Out: 3. place, In: 4. place, Vaajakosken Terä)
2010: Jukola 2010, 3. place (3. leg, Out: 6. place, In: 9. place, Vaajakosken Terä)
2009: Jukola 2009, 11. place (6. leg, Out: 11. place, In: 11. place, Vaajakosken Terä)
2008: Jukola 2008, 7. place (7. leg, Out: 11. place, In: 7. place, Vaajakosken Terä)
2007: Jukola 2007, 8. place (6. leg, Out: 16. place, In: 11. place, Vaajakosken Terä)
2006: Jukola 2006, 10. place (4. leg, Out: 35. place, In: 17. place, Vaajakosken Terä)
2004: Jukola 2004, 13. place (7. leg, Out: 12. place, In: 13. place, SK Pohjantähti)
2003: Jukola 2003, 27. place (7. leg, Out: 27. place, In: 27. place, SK Pohjantähti)
2002: Jukola 2002, 7. place (7. leg, Out: 14. place, In: 7. place, SK Pohjantähti)
2001: Jukola 2001, 6. place (7. leg, Out: 12. place, In: 6. place, SK Pohjantähti)
2000: Jukola 2000, 5. place (6. leg, Out: 14. place, In: 4. place, SK Pohjantähti)
1999: Jukola 1999, 2. place (4. leg, Out: 3. place, In: 1. place, SK-Pohjantähti)
1998: Jukola 1998, 14. place (4. leg, Out: 21. place, In: 9. place, SK-Pohjantähti)

IOF World Ranking:
World Ranking position: Middle/Long 1250 (as of 6/3/2025)
See also all IOF WRE results for Pasi Ikonen including updated WR position

Pasi Ikonen is found under the following names:
Pasi Ikonene (1 times) Pasi Ikonen (163 times) .

Maps from Omaps and 3DRerun
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