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Athlete profile: Moritz Döllgast
NOTE! Athlete background is outdated, last updated 2017-06-22 15:08:53
Part of the German National Team with a long record of achievements in national competitions. Best individual result in EYOC was 17th place at Sprint in Czech Republic 2011 and 23th place in the long race. Best individual Junior result was 9th place at JWOC long distance in 2014 (BUL), also a 7th place at JEC long distance 2015 (GER).
World Ranking Middle/Long 1019 (as of 26/3/2025)
ClubPost SV Dresden, TV Oberbexbach
Born placeSaarbrücken (GER)
Born year1995
LivesDresden (GER)

World Orienteering Championships (WOC)
Best result 17. place:

2017, Relay, Tartu, Estonia

Best for each discipline:

Long: 36. place 2017, Tartu, Estonia
Middle: 53. place 2018, Riga, Latvia
Relay: 17. place 2017, Tartu, Estonia

[Click to show all WOC results]

European Orienteering Championships (EOC)
Best result 16. place:

2018, Relay, Tessin, Switzerland

Best for each discipline:

Long: 54. place 2018, Tessin, Switzerland
Middle: B41. place 2016, Jesenik, Czech Republic
Sprint: B18. place 2016, Jesenik, Czech Republic
Relay: 16. place 2018, Tessin, Switzerland

[Click to show all EOC results]

Junior World Orienteering Championships (JWOC)
Best result 9. place:

2014, Long, Bulgaria

Best for each discipline:

Long: 9. place 2014, Bulgaria
Middle: 33. place 2015, Rauland, Norway
Sprint: 53. place 2013, Czech Republic
Relay: 19. place 2014, Bulgaria

[Click to show all JWOC results]

Note that some EYOC results may be missing.

Best result 8. place:

2012, Relay, Limousin, Bugeat, France

Best for each discipline:

Long: 14. place 2013, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal
Sprint: 17. place 2013, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal
Relay: 8. place 2012, Limousin, Bugeat, France

[Click to show all EYOC results]

Other international results

IOF World Ranking:
World Ranking position: Middle/Long 1019 (as of 26/3/2025)
See also all IOF WRE results for Moritz Döllgast including updated WR position

Moritz Döllgast is found under the following names:
Moritz Dollgast (7 times) Moritz Döllgast (7 times) Moritz Doellgast (75 times) .

Maps from Omaps and 3DRerun
Lang H 21 Mellom H 21 Smaalenenløpet H 21 Måsenstafetten Nyköpingsorienteringen JWOC 2015 Long - M20 Long M20 JWOC Middle 2015 Men