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Athlete profile: Marika Teini
NOTE! Athlete background is outdated, last updated 2017-06-30 08:03:57
The strongest Finnish forest orienteer after Minna Kauppi retired in 2015, securing Finland a bronze medal at EOC Middle 2016 in Jesenik, Czech Republic. Also a central part of the Finnish relay team - securing the gold medal at EOC relay 2016 and bronze medal at WOC relay 2016 in Strömstad, Sweden. Good individual results at the 2016 World Championships in Sweden; 6th at the middle distance and 9th at the sprint.
WoO RankingOverall: 23, Sprint: 50, Middle: 27, Long: 11
World Ranking Middle/Long 18 / Sprint 64 (as of 9/2/2025)
ClubKalevan Rasti, SK Pohjantahti
Born placeEura (FIN)
Born year1989
LivesJoensuu (FIN)

World Orienteering Championships (WOC)
1 silver medal

2018, Middle, Riga, Latvia

2 bronze medals

2017, Relay, Tartu, Estonia
2016, Relay, Stromstad, Sweden

Best for each discipline:

Long: 4. place 2019, Ostfold, Norway
Middle: Silver 2018, Riga, Latvia
Sprint: 9. place 2016, Stromstad, Sweden
Relay: Bronze last time 2017, Tartu, Estonia
MixedRelay: 7. place 2022, Vejle, Denmark
KO-Sprint: 25. place 2022, Vejle, Denmark

[Click to show all WOC results]

Overall World Cup (WC Overall)
Best result 39. place:

WC Overall 2012

[Click to show all WC Overall results]

European Orienteering Championships (EOC)
2 gold medals

2018, Middle, Tessin, Switzerland
2016, Relay, Jesenik, Czech Republic

2 bronze medals

2022, Long, Rakvere, Estonia
2016, Middle, Jesenik, Czech Republic

Best for each discipline:

Long: Bronze 2022, Rakvere, Estonia
Middle: Gold 2018, Tessin, Switzerland
Sprint: 8. place 2012, Falun, Sweden
Relay: Gold 2016, Jesenik, Czech Republic

[Click to show all EOC results]

World Cup (WC)
1. place: Once

2018, WC no. 2, Tessin, SUI, Middle, EOC

2. place: 2 times

2019, WC no. 2, Vihti, FIN, Long
2018, WC no. 5, Riga, LAT, Middle, WOC

3. place: 5 times

2022, WC no. 3, Rakvere, EST, Long, EOC
2019, WC no. 1, Vihti, FIN, Middle
2017, WC no. 7, Cesis, LAT, Middle
2016, WC no. 5, Jesenic, CZE, Middle, EOC
2016, WC no. 2, Poland, Sprint

[Click to show all WC results]

Junior World Orienteering Championships (JWOC)
3. place: Once

2009, Long, San Martino, Italy

Best for each discipline:

Long: 3. place 2009, San Martino, Italy
Middle: 6. place 2008, Göteborg, Sweden
Sprint: 13. place 2009, San Martino, Italy
Relay: 4. place 2008, Göteborg, Sweden

[Click to show all JWOC results]

NOCjr (NOCjr)
Best result 4. place:

2009, Long, Salo, Finland

Best for each discipline:

Long: 4. place 2009, Salo, Finland
Middle: 12. place 2009, Salo, Finland
Sprint: 16. place 2009, Salo, Finland

[Click to show all NOCjr results]

Other international results

2012: Venla 2012, 6. place (3. leg, Out: 1. place, In: 5. place, SK Pohjantähti)
2011: Venla 2011, 60. place (4. leg, Out: 79. place, In: 60. place, Rasti-Lukko)
2010: Venla 2010, 69. place (4. leg, Out: 99. place, In: 69. place, Rasti-Lukko)
2009: Venla 2009, 94. place (4. leg, Out: 169. place, In: 94. place, Rasti-Lukko)
2008: Venla 2008, 47. place (4. leg, Out: 56. place, In: 47. place, Rasti-Lukko)
2007: Venla 2007, 77. place (4. leg, Out: 129. place, In: 77. place, Rasti-Lukko)

IOF World Ranking:
World Ranking position: Middle/Long 18 / Sprint 64 (as of 9/2/2025)
See also all IOF WRE results for Marika Teini including updated WR position

Marika Teini is found under the following names:
Marika Teini (128 times) .

Maps from Omaps and 3DRerun
SM-sprintti, W21 Mellom D 21 Euromeeting long W Euromeeting chase W Euromeeting prolog W Swedish League #2 Women Swedish League #1 Women Viestireeni Repokallion erämaassa Suunnistusvedot Suunnistusvedot Hirvikärpästen pyydystelyä Kekomäen kaarrokset Taitoharjoitus Suunnistusvedot Kuhasaloa ristiin rastiin Euromeeting Longdistance Women Euromeeting middledistance 2014 Women VIII Premi d'orientació comunitat Valenciana VIII Premi d'orientació comunitat Valenciana WC middle W WC sprint W EOC Sprint distance Women Final