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Athlete profile: Levente Tugyi
NOTE! Athlete background is outdated, last updated 2013-06-25 10:45:42
Started orienteering at the age of 11 - became member of the Hungarian Youth Orienteering Team in 2011. Applied to the University of Miskolc in the engineering faculty in 2013. Best international result (as of June 2013): EYOC 2011 sprint: 22. EYOC 2012 relay: 6. Goal for JWOC 2013: Top 30 in long. Motto: "Train Hard, Win Easy".
World Ranking Middle/Long 696 (as of 26/3/2025)
ClubDiosgyori VTK
Born placeMiskolc(HUN)
Born year1994

World Orienteering Championships (WOC)
Best result 12. place:

2021, MixedRelay, Doksy, Czech Republic

Best for each discipline:

Long: 51. place 2017, Tartu, Estonia
Sprint: Q16. place 2018, Riga, Latvia
Relay: 20. place 2018, Riga, Latvia
MixedRelay: 12. place 2021, Doksy, Czech Republic

[Click to show all WOC results]

European Orienteering Championships (EOC)
Best result 15. place:

2016, MixedRelay, Jesenik, Czech Republic

Best for each discipline:

Sprint: B19. place 2016, Jesenik, Czech Republic
Relay: 32. place 2016, Jesenik, Czech Republic
MixedRelay: 15. place 2016, Jesenik, Czech Republic

[Click to show all EOC results]

World Cup (WC)
Best result 51. place:

2017, WC no. 5, Rouge, EST, Long, WOC

[Click to show all WC results]

Junior World Orienteering Championships (JWOC)
Best result 29. place:

2013, Relay, Czech Republic

Best for each discipline:

Long: 62. place 2013, Czech Republic
Middle: Q: DSQ 2013, Czech Republic
Sprint: 33. place 2014, Bulgaria
Relay: 29. place 2013, Czech Republic

[Click to show all JWOC results]

Note that some EYOC results may be missing.

Best result 6. place:

2012, Relay, Limousin, Bugeat, France

Best for each discipline:

Long: 54. place 2011, Jindrichuv Hradec, Czech Republic
Sprint: 22. place 2011, Jindrichuv Hradec, Czech Republic
Relay: 6. place 2012, Limousin, Bugeat, France

[Click to show all EYOC results]

Other international results

IOF World Ranking:
World Ranking position: Middle/Long 696 (as of 26/3/2025)
See also all IOF WRE results for Levente Tugyi including updated WR position

Levente Tugyi is found under the following names:
Levente Tugyi (36 times) .

Train Hard, Win Easy
Maps from Omaps and 3DRerun
Training Nógrád Nagydíj '12 középtáv