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Athlete profile: Jo Shepherd
NOTE! Athlete background is outdated, last updated 2017-06-25 22:04:40
Started through school and progressed through the Scottish junior squad and GB youth squad. Moved to Edinburgh aged 18 to study chemical engineering for 5 years. Spent 6months in Halden to complete her Masters thesis which helped her step up to senior international level. With support from Halden SK and coach Eva Jurenikova, Jo made her world cup debut in 2015 and world championships debut in 2016. Continues to live, work and train in Halden since completing her degree in 2015. Best results: 26th at world cup Poland 2016 and 30th at european championships Czechia 2016.
CountryGreat Britain
WoO RankingOverall: 87, Middle: 94, Long: 24
World Ranking Middle/Long 101 / Sprint 123 (as of 20/1/2025)
ClubHalden SK
Born placeInverness (SCO)
Born year1992
LivesHalden (NOR)

World Orienteering Championships (WOC)
Best result 7. place:

2021, Relay, Doksy, Czech Republic

Best for each discipline:

Long: 21. place 2019, Ostfold, Norway
Middle: 18. place 2017, Tartu, Estonia
Sprint: 30. place 2017, Tartu, Estonia
Relay: 7. place 2021, Doksy, Czech Republic

[Click to show all WOC results]

European Orienteering Championships (EOC)
Best result 7. place:

2016, MixedRelay, Jesenik, Czech Republic

Best for each discipline:

Long: 31. place 2016, Jesenik, Czech Republic
Middle: 30. place 2016, Jesenik, Czech Republic
Sprint: 70. place 2021, Neuchatel, Switzerland
Relay: 21. place 2016, Jesenik, Czech Republic
MixedRelay: 7. place 2016, Jesenik, Czech Republic

[Click to show all EOC results]

World Cup (WC)
Best result 18. place:

2017, WC no. 6, Elva-Vitipalu, EST, Middle, WOC

[Click to show all WC results]

Other international results

IOF World Ranking:
World Ranking position: Middle/Long 101 / Sprint 123 (as of 20/1/2025)
See also all IOF WRE results for Jo Shepherd including updated WR position

Jo Shepherd is found under the following names:
Jo Shepherd (69 times) .

Maps from Omaps and 3DRerun
Swedish League #2 - D21 D21 Smaalenenløpet D 21 Fagersana Contour-only Rankås Intro Skallhult Fagersana Intro LD LD LD HDNC#4 Lørdagsnatt Night-corridor MD Downhill ints part AB Downhill ints part CD MinoThor LD Culbin Oints Achlean ROMP LS1 Syverstad in nightfog Diamond Lørdagsteknikk MD4 HDNC#3 ÅBN LD MD3 LD mTk mTk Stafettint 2nd attempt HDNC#2 Julkontrollplock 5int MD2 LD 2/5 int HDNC#1 MD1 Tirsdagsnatt Korriplock uten kompass Up & down K2 Guttersrød long legs Skårefjell (from o'natt premier 27/9) 3int R1