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Athlete profile: Elias Jonsson
NOTE! Athlete background is outdated, last updated Unknown date. Athlete information may be outdated!
WoO RankingOverall: 106, Sprint: 66, Middle: 63, Long: 93
World Ranking Middle/Long 43 / Sprint 24 (as of 25/3/2025)
ClubNTNUI, Nydalens SK
Born year1999

World Orienteering Championships (WOC)
Best result 16. place:

2024, Sprint, Edinburgh, Scotland

Best for each discipline:

Sprint: 16. place 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland
KO-Sprint: 21. place 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland

[Click to show all WOC results]

European Orienteering Championships (EOC)
Best result 21. place:

2024, Long, Mor, Hungary

Best for each discipline:

Long: 21. place 2024, Mor, Hungary
Middle: 23. place 2022, Rakvere, Estonia
Sprint: 39. place 2023, Trentino - Veneto, Italy
Relay: DSQ 2024, Mor, Hungary
KO-Sprint: 55. place 2023, Trentino - Veneto, Italy

[Click to show all EOC results]

Junior World Orienteering Championships (JWOC)
1. place: 3 times

2019, Relay, Denmark
2018, Relay, Hungary
2017, Relay, Finland

2. place: Once

2019, Long, Denmark

Best for each discipline:

Long: 2. place 2019, Denmark
Middle: 7. place 2019, Denmark
Sprint: 7. place 2018, Hungary
Relay: 1. place last time 2019, Denmark

[Click to show all JWOC results]

Other international results

IOF World Ranking:
World Ranking position: Middle/Long 43 / Sprint 24 (as of 25/3/2025)
See also all IOF WRE results for Elias Jonsson including updated WR position

Elias Jonsson is found under the following names:
Elias Jonsson (37 times) .

Maps from Omaps and 3DRerun
Nyttårsløpet O-intervaller Lørdagsnatt GOF nattcup E4 Natt Aspen Landehof nattcup E2 Onsdagsnatt Postplukk natt GOF nattcup E3 Natt Öjersjö Postplukk natt Momentøkt O-intervall Lillomarka KM stafett Sommerløype BSK Oppsal sommerløype langdistanse Halvors summer challenge #2 O-intervall Spinnern Sommerløype Puttåsen Halvors summer challenge #1 Göingestafetten, stafettliga #1 Vildmarksfejden SL#1 H21 EM samling #6, mellomdistanse EM samling #4, skråli EM samling #4, langdistanse EM samling #3, forkortet lang EM samling #2, mellom EM samling #1, postplukk O-intervaller Tenerife #2, Sløyfe C Tenerife #2, Sløyfe A Tenerife #2, Sløyfe B Tenerife #1, Postplukk Onstek Vikåsen Postplukk Bakliddammen Postplukk Bakliddammen O-teknikk Trolla O-teknikk Trolla Korridor og kompass Korridor og kompass O-morgen # 133 O-morgen # 133 Postplukk Sildevika Postplukk Sildevika Oppdal 2-dager, dag 2 Oppdal 2-dagers, dag 1 St. Hanskuten Freidigs ukas løype 22 NOM 1992 Rerun