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Athlete profile: Carl Petter Lyngen
World Ranking Middle/Long 1891 (as of 11/3/2025)

Junior World Orienteering Championships (JWOC)
Best result 10. place:

2012, Middle, Kosice, Slovakia

Best for each discipline:

Long: 26. place 2012, Kosice, Slovakia
Middle: 10. place 2012, Kosice, Slovakia
Sprint: 29. place 2012, Kosice, Slovakia

[Click to show all JWOC results]

Other international results

2012: Jukola 2012, 13. place (2. leg, Out: 42. place, In: 59. place, Frol IL)
2011: Jukola 2011, 153. place (3. leg, Out: 199. place, In: 154. place, Frol IL 2)
2010: Jukola 2010, 48. place (5. leg, Out: 60. place, In: 58. place, Frol IL)
2009: Jukola 2009, 91. place (5. leg, Out: 94. place, In: 87. place, Frol IL)

IOF World Ranking:
World Ranking position: Middle/Long 1891 (as of 11/3/2025)
See also all IOF WRE results for Carl Petter Lyngen including updated WR position

Carl Petter Lyngen is found under the following names:
Carl Petter Lyngen (8 times) .

Maps from Omaps and 3DRerun
Norwegian Champs Long M21 NM lang H 21 NC mellom H 21 NC sprint H 21 Sprint H 21 EM test sprint H21 NC sprint H21 O-Festival sprint H21 NM lang H21 NM natt H 21 Norwegian Champs Middle 2015 - H21 NM mellom H 21 NM lang H 21 KM Stafett MNM Stafett MNM Lang LørdagsVALL Rolig mellom Mellom Hellmarka o-intervall O-ints Banmyra reunion Sprint H21 Mellom H21 Norwegian O-Festival Long H21 O-Festival lang H21 Sprintvall Sprintdrag 2 Sprint 1 10mila 2015 10milatrening Tiotrening 2 Tiomilatrening 1 Nattøkt Uttaksløp O-sjuer 3 Postplukk Postplukk Postplukk H 21 E Ints på Jervskogen Trondheim Sprintcup 2 Korridor Børsåsen Soria sprintkval. Sprint finale Du grønne glitrende tornebusk godkveld! (Nattøkt) Lang Retning Mellom, samlingsmesterskap Kurver