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Athlete profile: Arttu Syrjalainen
World Ranking Middle/Long 141 (as of 26/3/2025)

World Cup (WC)
Best result 52. place:

2021, WC no. 3, Idre, SWE, Long

[Click to show all WC results]

Junior World Orienteering Championships (JWOC)
Best result 7. place:

2014, Relay, Bulgaria

Best for each discipline:

Long: 21. place 2015, Rauland, Norway
Middle: 23. place 2015, Rauland, Norway
Sprint: 55. place last time 2015, Rauland, Norway
Relay: 7. place 2014, Bulgaria

[Click to show all JWOC results]

Other international results

2012: Jukola 2012, 135. place (6. leg, Out: 170. place, In: 144. place, Helsingin Suunnistajat 2)
2011: Jukola 2011, 142. place (4. leg, Out: 213. place, In: 163. place, Helsingin Suunnistajat 3)
2010: Jukola 2010, 123. place (5. leg, Out: 133. place, In: 121. place, Navi)

IOF World Ranking:
World Ranking position: Middle/Long 141 (as of 26/3/2025)
See also all IOF WRE results for Arttu Syrjalainen including updated WR position

Arttu Syrjalainen is found under the following names:
Arttu Syrjäläinen (5 times) Arttu Syrjalainen (7 times) .

Maps from Omaps and 3DRerun
Romevaara Rasinmäki Jynkänvuori Rinnekoti Mikkeli-Jukolan 2025 esikisa, VL Mikkeli-Jukolan 2025 esikisa, WRE Pihlajasaari Suomenlinna 2-1/2 Suomenlinna 2-2/2 WUOC Team officials race Högbacka-Suolikas Kisakallio-rastit, keskimatka H17-20E 1/2 Kisakallio-rastit, keskimatka H17-20E 2/2 Nietoonmetsä Kattilajärvi Punjonsuo FinnSpring VL 2.osuus FinnSpring WRE M21E HS 10Mila-yönäyttökisa Vinappa Samslax Stormälö 1/2 Stormälö 2/2 Meri-Rastila TC24RM14 TC22RM42 TC24RM03 TC23RM02 TC23RM08 TC23RM11 POM day 3, WRE middle MSE TC23RM15 POM day 1, WRE middle MSE Ponta de sao Lourenco Montado do Pereiro Ponta Sol Fanal Guardamar Sur Lapland O-Week 1pv Lapland O-Week 3pv Lapland O-Week 4pv Lapland O-Week 5pv 1/2 Lapland O-Week 5pv 2/2 Metsonpahikko Nuuksion Helteinen 2024 Kvarken viesti Helsingin Suunnistajien keskimatkan mestaruuskilpailut 2024, H21 1/2 Helsingin Suunnistajien keskimatkan mestaruuskilpailut 2024, H21 2/2 Guardamar Norte Boca Cangrejo