Alphabetical list | Country list | Belarus runners |
Profile: Vyacheslav Zhuravlev | |
Country | Belarus ![]() |
Club | Halden (NOR) |
World Orienteering Championships (WOC)
Best result 27. place:
2006, Relay, Aarhus, Denmark
Best for each discipline:
Long: Q20. place 2006, Aarhus, Denmark
Middle: Q30. place 2003, Rapperswil/Jona, Switzerland
Sprint: 35. place 2003, Rapperswil/Jona, Switzerland
Relay: 27. place 2006, Aarhus, Denmark
Other international results
Individual results:
2003: Springcup, 112. place
2002: Springcup, 129. place
IOF World Ranking:
World Ranking position: 564 (as of 12/7/2007)
See also all IOF WRE results for Vyacheslav Zhuravlev including updated WR position
Vyacheslav Zhuravlev is found under the following names:
Vyacheslav Zhuravlev (10 times)
Form for easy report of error/duplicates for Vyacheslav Zhuravlev