1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Signe Søes - 22.00 points |
4. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
5. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
6. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
7. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
8. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
9. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
10. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Valentin Novikov - 33.00 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Vesa Taanila - 12.00 points |
6. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
7. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
8. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
9. Maja Alm - 23.00 points |
10. Annika Billstam - 25.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Fabian Hertner - 2.20 points |
4. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
5. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
6. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
7. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
8. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
9. Mats Haldin - 19.00 points |
10. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Minna Kauppi - 44.00 points |
4. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
5. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
6. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
7. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
8. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
9. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
10. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Matthias Merz - 14.30 points |
4. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
5. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
6. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
7. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
8. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
9. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
10. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Fabian Hertner - 2.20 points |
4. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
5. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
6. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
7. Carl Waaler Kaas - 18.00 points |
8. Annika Billstam - 25.00 points |
9. Emma Engstrand - 0.00 points |
10. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
5. Maja Alm - 23.00 points |
6. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
7. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
8. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
9. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
10. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
5. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
6. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
7. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
8. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
9. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
10. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Fabian Hertner - 2.20 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
6. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
7. Carl Waaler Kaas - 18.00 points |
8. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
9. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
10. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
3. Fabian Hertner - 2.20 points |
4. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
5. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
6. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
7. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
8. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
9. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
10. Maja Alm - 23.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Lena Eliasson - 33.00 points |
4. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
5. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
6. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
7. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
8. Anni-Maija Fincke - 14.00 points |
9. Jerker Lysell - 0.00 points |
10. Øystein Kvaal Østerbø - 16.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
6. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
7. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
8. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
9. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
10. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Minna Kauppi - 44.00 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
6. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
7. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
8. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
9. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
10. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Minna Kauppi - 44.00 points |
4. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
5. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
6. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
7. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
8. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
9. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
10. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Lena Eliasson - 33.00 points |
4. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
5. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
6. Philippe Adamski - 5.00 points |
7. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
8. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
9. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
10. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Minna Kauppi - 50.00 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
5. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
6. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
7. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
8. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
9. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
10. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
1. Minna Kauppi - 60.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Matthias Merz - 14.30 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
6. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
7. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
8. Carl Waaler Kaas - 18.00 points |
9. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
10. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
1. Minna Kauppi - 60.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Simone Niggli - 55.00 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
6. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
7. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
8. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
9. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
10. Julia Novikova - 16.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Fabian Hertner - 2.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
5. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
6. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
7. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
8. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
9. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
10. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Fabian Hertner - 2.20 points |
4. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
5. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
6. Annika Billstam - 25.00 points |
7. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
8. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
9. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
10. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Minna Kauppi - 44.00 points |
4. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
5. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
6. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
7. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
8. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
9. Alexei Bortnik - 0.00 points |
10. Baptiste Rollier - 25.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Minna Kauppi - 44.00 points |
4. Anni-Maija Fincke - 14.00 points |
5. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
6. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
7. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
8. Carl Waaler Kaas - 18.00 points |
9. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
10. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Marianne Andersen - 16.50 points |
4. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
5. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
6. Mats Haldin - 19.00 points |
7. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
8. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
9. Øystein Kvaal Østerbø - 16.00 points |
10. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Minna Kauppi - 44.00 points |
4. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
5. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
6. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
7. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
8. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
9. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
10. Carl Waaler Kaas - 18.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
5. Baptiste Rollier - 25.00 points |
6. Marc Lauenstein - 0.00 points |
7. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
8. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
9. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
10. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Fabian Hertner - 2.50 points |
3. Minna Kauppi - 44.00 points |
4. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
5. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
6. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
7. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
8. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
9. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
10. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
5. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
6. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
7. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
8. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
9. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
10. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
5. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
6. Audun Weltzien - 40.00 points |
7. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
8. Maja Alm - 23.00 points |
9. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
10. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
5. Marc Lauenstein - 0.00 points |
6. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
7. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
8. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
9. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
10. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Fabian Hertner - 2.20 points |
4. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
5. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
6. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
7. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
8. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
9. Annika Billstam - 25.00 points |
10. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Valentin Novikov - 33.00 points |
4. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
5. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
6. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
7. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
8. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
9. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
10. Baptiste Rollier - 25.00 points |
1. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
5. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
6. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
7. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
8. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
9. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
10. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Fabian Hertner - 2.20 points |
4. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
5. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
6. Anni-Maija Fincke - 14.00 points |
7. Maja Alm - 23.00 points |
8. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
9. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
10. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Valentin Novikov - 33.00 points |
4. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
5. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
6. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
7. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
8. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
9. François Gonon - 0.00 points |
10. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Peter Öberg - 1.10 points |
4. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
5. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
6. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
7. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
8. Baptiste Rollier - 25.00 points |
9. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
10. Galina Vinogradova - 1.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Minna Kauppi - 44.00 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
6. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
7. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
8. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
9. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
10. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Fabian Hertner - 2.50 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
5. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
6. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
7. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
8. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
9. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
10. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
6. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
7. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
8. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
9. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
10. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Marianne Andersen - 16.50 points |
4. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
5. Maja Alm - 23.00 points |
6. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
7. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
8. Mats Haldin - 19.00 points |
9. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
10. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
5. Carl Waaler Kaas - 18.00 points |
6. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
7. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
8. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
9. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
10. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Minna Kauppi - 44.00 points |
4. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
5. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
6. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
7. Elise Egseth - 7.00 points |
8. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
9. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
10. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Fabian Hertner - 2.20 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
6. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
7. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
8. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
9. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
10. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Minna Kauppi - 50.00 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
5. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
6. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
7. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
8. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
9. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
10. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Fabian Hertner - 2.50 points |
3. Simone Niggli - 55.00 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
6. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
7. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
8. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
9. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
10. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Minna Kauppi - 44.00 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Julia Novikova - 16.00 points |
6. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
7. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
8. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
9. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
10. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Marianne Andersen - 16.50 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
6. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
7. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
8. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
9. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
10. Mats Haldin - 19.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
6. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
7. Carl Waaler Kaas - 18.00 points |
8. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
9. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
10. Niamh O'Boyle - 0.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
6. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
7. Carl Waaler Kaas - 18.00 points |
8. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
9. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
10. Linnea Gustafsson - 0.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
6. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
7. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
8. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
9. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
10. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Valentin Novikov - 33.00 points |
4. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
5. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
6. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
7. Mikhail Mamleev - 0.00 points |
8. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
9. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
10. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Fabian Hertner - 2.20 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
6. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
7. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
8. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
9. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
10. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Carl Waaler Kaas - 18.00 points |
5. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
6. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
7. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
8. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
9. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
10. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
4. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
5. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
6. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
7. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
8. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
9. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
10. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
5. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
6. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
7. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
8. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
9. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
10. Eva Juřeníková - 0.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
5. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
6. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
7. Carl Waaler Kaas - 18.00 points |
8. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
9. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
10. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Valentin Novikov - 37.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
5. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
6. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
7. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
8. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
9. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
10. Tuomas Tervo - 17.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
6. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
7. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
8. Vesa Taanila - 12.00 points |
9. Anni-Maija Fincke - 14.00 points |
10. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
3. Minna Kauppi - 44.00 points |
4. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
5. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
6. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
7. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
8. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
9. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
10. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
3. Minna Kauppi - 44.00 points |
4. Elise Egseth - 7.00 points |
5. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
6. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
7. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
8. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
9. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
10. Øystein Kvaal Østerbø - 16.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Peter Öberg - 1.10 points |
4. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
5. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
6. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
7. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
8. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
9. Beata Falk - 0.00 points |
10. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Minna Kauppi - 44.00 points |
4. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
5. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
6. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
7. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
8. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
9. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
10. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
5. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
6. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
7. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
8. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
9. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
10. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
5. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
6. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
7. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
8. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
9. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
10. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Peter Öberg - 1.10 points |
4. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
5. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
6. Annika Billstam - 25.00 points |
7. Beata Falk - 0.00 points |
8. Jerker Lysell - 0.00 points |
9. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
10. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Minna Kauppi - 44.00 points |
4. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
5. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
6. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
7. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
8. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
9. Baptiste Rollier - 25.00 points |
10. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
6. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
7. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
8. Galina Vinogradova - 1.00 points |
9. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
10. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
1. Fabian Hertner - 3.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Minna Kauppi - 44.00 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
6. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
7. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
8. Marc Lauenstein - 0.00 points |
9. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
10. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
5. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
6. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
7. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
8. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
9. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
10. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Olav Lundanes - 18.75 points |
3. Simone Niggli - 55.00 points |
4. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
5. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
6. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
7. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
8. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
9. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
10. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
5. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
6. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
7. Alexei Bortnik - 0.00 points |
8. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
9. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
10. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
5. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
6. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
7. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
8. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
9. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
10. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
1. Minna Kauppi - 60.00 points |
2. Fabian Hertner - 2.50 points |
3. Simone Niggli - 55.00 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
6. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
7. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
8. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
9. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
10. Anni-Maija Fincke - 14.00 points |
1. Valentin Novikov - 45.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
4. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
5. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
6. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
7. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
8. Carl Waaler Kaas - 18.00 points |
9. Holger Hott - 0.00 points |
10. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
5. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
6. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
7. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
8. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
9. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
10. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Andrey Khramov - 5.00 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
6. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
7. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
8. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
9. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
10. Øystein Kvaal Østerbø - 16.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Fabian Hertner - 2.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
5. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
6. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
7. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
8. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
9. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
10. Maja Alm - 23.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
3. Minna Kauppi - 44.00 points |
4. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
5. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
6. Anne Margrethe Hausken - 0.00 points |
7. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
8. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
9. Baptiste Rollier - 25.00 points |
10. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Matthias Merz - 14.30 points |
4. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
5. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
6. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
7. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
8. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
9. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
10. Oleksandr Kratov - 0.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Matthias Merz - 14.30 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
6. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
7. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
8. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
9. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
10. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
6. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
7. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
8. Øystein Kvaal Østerbø - 16.00 points |
9. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
10. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
5. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
6. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
7. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
8. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
9. Tue Lassen - 0.00 points |
10. Anni-Maija Fincke - 14.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
5. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
6. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
7. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
8. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
9. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
10. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Elise Egseth - 7.70 points |
4. Marc Lauenstein - 0.00 points |
5. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
6. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
7. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
8. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
9. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
10. Baptiste Rollier - 25.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Carl Waaler Kaas - 18.00 points |
6. Vesa Taanila - 12.00 points |
7. Marc Lauenstein - 0.00 points |
8. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
9. Elise Egseth - 7.00 points |
10. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
5. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
6. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
7. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
8. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
9. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
10. Scott Fraser - 6.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Fabian Hertner - 2.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
5. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
6. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
7. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
8. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
9. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
10. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Fabian Hertner - 2.50 points |
3. Simone Niggli - 55.00 points |
4. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
5. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
6. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
7. Baptiste Rollier - 25.00 points |
8. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
9. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
10. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Matthias Merz - 16.25 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
5. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
6. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
7. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
8. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
9. Céline Dodin - 19.00 points |
10. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Fabian Hertner - 2.20 points |
4. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
5. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
6. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
7. Øystein Kvaal Østerbø - 16.00 points |
8. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
9. Andreas Kyburz - 0.00 points |
10. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Fabian Hertner - 2.20 points |
4. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
5. Øystein Kvaal Østerbø - 16.00 points |
6. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
7. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
8. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
9. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
3. Minna Kauppi - 44.00 points |
4. Alexei Bortnik - 0.00 points |
5. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
6. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
7. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
8. Julia Novikova - 16.00 points |
9. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
10. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Fabian Hertner - 2.20 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Martin Johansson - 0.00 points |
6. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
7. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
8. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
9. François Gonon - 0.00 points |
10. Philippe Adamski - 5.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
4. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
5. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
6. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
7. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
8. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
9. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
10. Mikhail Mamleev - 0.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Olav Lundanes - 18.75 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
5. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
6. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
7. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
8. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
9. Anne Margrethe Hausken - 0.00 points |
10. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
5. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
6. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
7. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
8. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
9. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
10. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
5. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
6. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
7. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
8. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
9. Mikhail Mamleev - 0.00 points |
10. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
3. Matthias Merz - 14.30 points |
4. Baptiste Rollier - 25.00 points |
5. Carl Waaler Kaas - 18.00 points |
6. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
7. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
8. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
9. Anne Margrethe Hausken - 0.00 points |
10. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
1. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Simone Niggli - 55.00 points |
4. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
5. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
6. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
7. Elise Egseth - 7.00 points |
8. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
9. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
10. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
4. Øystein Kvaal Østerbø - 16.00 points |
5. Erik Johansson - 0.00 points |
6. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
7. Maja Alm - 23.00 points |
8. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
9. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
10. Carl Waaler Kaas - 18.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Matthias Merz - 16.25 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
5. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
6. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
7. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
8. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
9. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
10. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
5. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
6. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
7. Julia Novikova - 16.00 points |
8. Marc Lauenstein - 0.00 points |
9. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
10. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
3. Simone Niggli - 55.00 points |
4. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
5. Øystein Kvaal Østerbø - 16.00 points |
6. Baptiste Rollier - 25.00 points |
7. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
8. Annika Billstam - 25.00 points |
9. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
10. Mattias Karlsson - 0.00 points |
1. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Fabian Hertner - 2.20 points |
4. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
5. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
6. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
7. Graham Gristwood - 9.00 points |
8. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
9. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
10. Sarah Rollins - 9.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Fabian Hertner - 2.50 points |
3. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
4. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
5. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
6. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
7. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
8. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
9. Øystein Kvaal Østerbø - 16.00 points |
10. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
1. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
2. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
3. Simone Niggli - 55.00 points |
4. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
5. Karolina Arewång-Höjsgaard - 0.00 points |
6. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
7. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
8. Baptiste Rollier - 25.00 points |
9. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
10. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
5. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
6. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
7. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
8. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
9. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
10. Mikhail Mamleev - 0.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Matthias Merz - 14.30 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
6. Anders Holmberg - 0.00 points |
7. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
8. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
9. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
10. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Matthias Müller - 25.30 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
6. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
7. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
8. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
9. Julia Novikova - 16.00 points |
10. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Simone Niggli - 55.00 points |
4. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
5. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
6. Andreas Kyburz - 0.00 points |
7. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
8. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
9. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
10. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
6. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
7. Anne Margrethe Hausken - 0.00 points |
8. Elise Egseth - 7.00 points |
9. Scott Fraser - 6.00 points |
10. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Fabian Hertner - 2.20 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
6. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
7. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
8. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
9. Anders Nordberg - 0.00 points |
10. Eva Juřeníková - 0.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Fabian Hertner - 2.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
5. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
6. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
7. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
8. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
9. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
10. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Minna Kauppi - 44.00 points |
4. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
5. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
6. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
7. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
8. Radka Broková - 0.00 points |
9. Mats Haldin - 19.00 points |
10. Natalia Vinogradova - 0.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
4. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
5. Graham Gristwood - 9.00 points |
6. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
7. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
8. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
9. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
10. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Fabian Hertner - 2.50 points |
3. Marc Lauenstein - 0.00 points |
4. Carl Waaler Kaas - 18.00 points |
5. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
6. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
7. Johan Runesson - 0.00 points |
8. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
9. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
10. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
1. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
2. Olav Lundanes - 18.75 points |
3. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
4. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
5. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
6. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
7. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
8. Andreas Kyburz - 0.00 points |
9. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
10. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Fabian Hertner - 2.20 points |
4. Ulf Forseth Indgaard - 4.00 points |
5. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
6. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
7. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
8. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
9. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
10. François Gonon - 0.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Simone Niggli - 55.00 points |
4. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
5. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
6. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
7. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
8. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
9. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
10. Natalia Vinogradova - 0.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Minna Kauppi - 50.00 points |
3. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Anni-Maija Fincke - 14.00 points |
6. Eva Juřeníková - 0.00 points |
7. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
8. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
9. Marc Lauenstein - 0.00 points |
10. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Matthias Müller - 25.30 points |
4. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
5. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
6. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
7. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
8. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
9. Natalia Vinogradova - 0.00 points |
10. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
5. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
6. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
7. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
8. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
9. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
10. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Andrey Khramov - 5.00 points |
3. Erik Johansson - 0.00 points |
4. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
5. Øystein Kvaal Østerbø - 16.00 points |
6. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
7. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
8. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
9. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
10. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Minna Kauppi - 44.00 points |
4. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
5. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
6. Mikhail Mamleev - 0.00 points |
7. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
8. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
9. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
10. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Fabian Hertner - 2.50 points |
3. Andrey Khramov - 4.40 points |
4. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
5. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
6. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
7. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
8. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
9. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
10. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Peter Öberg - 1.25 points |
3. Tero Föhr - 22.00 points |
4. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
5. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
6. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
7. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
8. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
9. Jan Prochazka - 0.00 points |
10. Radka Broková - 0.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Andrey Khramov - 5.00 points |
3. Fabian Hertner - 2.20 points |
4. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
5. Scott Fraser - 6.00 points |
6. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
7. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
8. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
9. Anne Margrethe Hausken - 0.00 points |
10. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
3. Simone Niggli - 55.00 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
6. Sarah Rollins - 9.00 points |
7. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
8. Graham Gristwood - 9.00 points |
9. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
10. Philippe Adamski - 5.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
5. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
6. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
7. Michal Smola - 0.00 points |
8. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
9. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
10. Baptiste Rollier - 25.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
5. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
6. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
7. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
8. Anders Nordberg - 0.00 points |
9. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
10. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Linnea Gustafsson - 0.00 points |
5. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
6. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
7. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
8. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
9. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
10. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
1. Øystein Kvaal Østerbø - 24.00 points |
2. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
5. Kiril Nikolov - 0.00 points |
6. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
7. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
8. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
9. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
10. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
3. Valentin Novikov - 33.00 points |
4. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
5. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
6. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
7. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
8. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
9. Julia Novikova - 16.00 points |
10. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
1. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Peter Öberg - 1.10 points |
4. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
5. Baptiste Rollier - 25.00 points |
6. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
7. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
8. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
9. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
10. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Minna Kauppi - 44.00 points |
4. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
5. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
6. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
7. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
8. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
9. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
10. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
1. Peter Öberg - 1.50 points |
2. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
5. Christian Christensen - 0.00 points |
6. Baptiste Rollier - 25.00 points |
7. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
8. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
9. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
10. Maja Alm - 23.00 points |
1. Matthias Müller - 34.50 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
6. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
7. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
8. Kiril Nikolov - 0.00 points |
9. Anders Nordberg - 0.00 points |
10. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Olav Lundanes - 18.75 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
5. Kiril Nikolov - 0.00 points |
6. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
7. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
8. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
9. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
10. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
4. Anne Margrethe Hausken - 0.00 points |
5. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
6. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
7. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
8. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
9. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
10. Anders Nordberg - 0.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
5. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
6. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
7. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
8. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
9. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
10. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Fabian Hertner - 2.20 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Anders Nordberg - 0.00 points |
6. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
7. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
8. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
9. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
10. Anne Margrethe Hausken - 0.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
3. Simone Niggli - 55.00 points |
4. Philippe Adamski - 5.00 points |
5. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
6. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
7. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
8. Vincent Coupat - 0.00 points |
9. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
10. Mats Haldin - 19.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
6. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
7. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
8. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
9. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
10. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
1. Céline Dodin - 28.50 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Simone Niggli - 55.00 points |
4. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
5. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
6. Philippe Adamski - 5.00 points |
7. François Gonon - 0.00 points |
8. Damien Renard - 0.00 points |
9. Ida Bobach - 0.00 points |
10. Pasi Ikonen - 0.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Minna Kauppi - 50.00 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
5. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
6. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
7. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
8. Carl Waaler Kaas - 18.00 points |
9. Mikhail Mamleev - 0.00 points |
10. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Fabian Hertner - 2.50 points |
3. Marianne Andersen - 16.50 points |
4. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
5. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
6. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
7. Øystein Kvaal Østerbø - 16.00 points |
8. Mattias Millinger - 0.00 points |
9. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
10. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Minna Kauppi - 50.00 points |
3. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
4. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
5. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
6. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
7. Merja Rantanen - 0.00 points |
8. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
9. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
10. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
3. Fabian Hertner - 2.20 points |
4. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
5. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
6. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
7. Anders Nordberg - 0.00 points |
8. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
9. Philippe Adamski - 5.00 points |
10. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Andrey Khramov - 5.00 points |
3. Øystein Kvaal Østerbø - 17.60 points |
4. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
5. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
6. Martin Johansson - 0.00 points |
7. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
8. Graham Gristwood - 9.00 points |
9. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
10. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
5. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
6. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
7. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
8. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
9. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
10. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
1. Mikhail Mamleev - 0.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Simone Niggli - 55.00 points |
4. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
5. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
6. Karoliina Sundberg - 0.00 points |
7. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
8. Liisa Anttila - 0.00 points |
9. François Gonon - 0.00 points |
10. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
1. Matthias Müller - 34.50 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Fabian Hertner - 2.20 points |
4. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
5. Andreas Rüedlinger - 0.00 points |
6. Marc Lauenstein - 0.00 points |
7. Severin Howald - 0.00 points |
8. Baptiste Rollier - 25.00 points |
9. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
10. Raffael Huber - 0.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Minna Kauppi - 50.00 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
5. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
6. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
7. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
8. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
9. Aija Skrastiņa - 0.00 points |
10. Eva Juřeníková - 0.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Olav Lundanes - 16.50 points |
4. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
5. Marc Lauenstein - 0.00 points |
6. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
7. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
8. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
9. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
10. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
6. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
7. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
8. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
9. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
10. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Simone Niggli - 55.00 points |
4. Anders Nordberg - 0.00 points |
5. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
6. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
7. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
8. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
9. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
10. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
1. Alasdair Mcleod - 0.00 points |
2. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
3. Olav Lundanes - 16.50 points |
4. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
5. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
6. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
7. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
8. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
9. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
10. Anne Margrethe Hausken - 0.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
3. Andrey Khramov - 4.40 points |
4. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
5. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
6. Erik Johansson - 0.00 points |
7. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
8. Anne Margrethe Hausken - 0.00 points |
9. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
10. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
6. Anne Margrethe Hausken - 0.00 points |
7. Erik Johansson - 0.00 points |
8. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
9. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
10. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Minna Kauppi - 50.00 points |
3. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
6. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
7. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
8. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
9. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
10. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
1. Anders Holmberg - 0.00 points |
2. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
6. Kiril Nikolov - 0.00 points |
7. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
8. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
9. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
10. Philippe Adamski - 5.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
6. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
7. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
8. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
9. Marc Lauenstein - 0.00 points |
10. Kiril Nikolov - 0.00 points |
1. Severin Howald - 0.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
5. Baptiste Rollier - 25.00 points |
6. Marc Lauenstein - 0.00 points |
7. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
8. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
9. Andreas Rüedlinger - 0.00 points |
10. Raffael Huber - 0.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
6. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
7. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
8. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
9. Anne Margrethe Hausken - 0.00 points |
10. Mats Troeng - 0.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Marc Lauenstein - 0.00 points |
6. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
7. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
8. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
9. Heidi Østlid Bagstevold - 0.00 points |
10. Scott Fraser - 6.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
6. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
7. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
8. Alexei Bortnik - 0.00 points |
9. Ionut Zinca - 0.00 points |
10. Anders Tiltnes - 0.00 points |
1. Mikhail Mamleev - 0.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Simone Niggli - 55.00 points |
4. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
5. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
6. Anne Margrethe Hausken - 0.00 points |
7. Kiril Nikolov - 0.00 points |
8. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
9. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
10. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
5. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
6. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
7. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
8. Kiril Nikolov - 0.00 points |
9. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
10. Baptiste Rollier - 25.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Baptiste Rollier - 27.50 points |
4. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
5. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
6. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
7. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
8. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
9. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
10. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
1. Jan Mrázek - 0.00 points |
2. Jan Prochazka - 0.00 points |
3. Anne Margrethe Hausken - 0.00 points |
4. Mats Haldin - 19.00 points |
5. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
6. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
7. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
8. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
9. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
10. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
6. Martin Johansson - 0.00 points |
7. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
8. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
9. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
10. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
1. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
5. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
6. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
7. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
8. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
9. Gernot Kerschbaumer - 10.00 points |
10. Radka Broková - 0.00 points |
1. Andrey Khramov - 6.00 points |
2. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
6. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
7. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
8. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
9. Jenny Lönnkvist - 0.00 points |
10. Karolina Arewång-Höjsgaard - 0.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
6. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
7. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
8. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
9. Galina Vinogradova - 1.00 points |
10. Øystein Kvaal Østerbø - 16.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Leonid Novikov - 0.00 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
5. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
6. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
7. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
8. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
9. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
10. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
1. Matthias Merz - 19.50 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
6. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
7. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
8. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
9. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
10. Linnea Gustafsson - 0.00 points |
1. Olav Lundanes - 22.50 points |
2. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
3. Petter Eriksson - 0.00 points |
4. Philippe Adamski - 5.00 points |
5. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
6. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
7. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
8. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
9. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
10. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
1. Anders Tiltnes - 0.00 points |
2. Audun Weltzien - 50.00 points |
3. Anne Margrethe Hausken - 0.00 points |
4. Anders Nordberg - 0.00 points |
5. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
6. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
7. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
8. Bjørn Ekeberg - 0.00 points |
9. Torgeir Nørbech - 0.00 points |
10. Øystein Kvaal Østerbø - 16.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
5. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
6. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
7. Merja Rantanen - 0.00 points |
8. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
9. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
10. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
1. Mats Haldin - 28.50 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Matthias Müller - 25.30 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
6. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
7. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
8. Jan Prochazka - 0.00 points |
9. Anders Nordberg - 0.00 points |
10. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Fabian Hertner - 2.50 points |
3. Peter Öberg - 1.10 points |
4. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
5. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
6. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
7. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
8. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
9. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
10. Lina Persson - 0.00 points |
1. Matthias Merz - 19.50 points |
2. Anders Nordberg - 0.00 points |
3. Anne Margrethe Hausken - 0.00 points |
4. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
5. Pasi Ikonen - 0.00 points |
6. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
7. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
8. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
9. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
10. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Minna Kauppi - 50.00 points |
3. Simone Niggli - 55.00 points |
4. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
5. Johan Runesson - 0.00 points |
6. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
7. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
8. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
9. Anders Holmberg - 0.00 points |
10. David Andersson - 0.00 points |
1. Simone Niggli - 75.00 points |
2. Daniel Hubmann - 62.50 points |
3. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
6. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
7. Gernot Kerschbaumer - 10.00 points |
8. Markus Lang - 0.00 points |
9. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
10. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
4. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
5. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
6. Vroni König-Salmi - 4.00 points |
7. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
8. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
9. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
10. Matthias Müller - 23.00 points |
1. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
2. Anders Holmberg - 0.00 points |
3. Simone Niggli - 55.00 points |
4. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
5. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
6. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
7. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
8. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
9. Andrey Khramov - 4.00 points |
10. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
6. Anders Nordberg - 0.00 points |
7. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
8. Theo Fleurent - 0.00 points |
9. Anne Margrethe Hausken - 0.00 points |
10. Florian Howald - 0.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
4. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
5. Eva Juřeníková - 0.00 points |
6. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
7. Lina Persson - 0.00 points |
8. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
9. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
10. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
1. Olli-markus Taivainen - 12.00 points |
2. Petteri Muukkonen - 0.00 points |
3. Minna Kauppi - 44.00 points |
4. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
5. Mats Haldin - 19.00 points |
6. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
7. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
8. Anders Nordberg - 0.00 points |
9. Anne Margrethe Hausken - 0.00 points |
10. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
1. Mikhail Mamleev - 0.00 points |
2. Klaus Schgaguler - 0.00 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
5. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
6. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
7. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
8. Anders Nordberg - 0.00 points |
9. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
10. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
1. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
2. Fabian Hertner - 2.50 points |
3. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
4. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
5. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
6. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
7. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
8. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
9. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
10. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
1. Daniel Hubmann - 75.00 points |
2. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
3. Andrey Khramov - 4.40 points |
4. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
5. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
6. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
7. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
8. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
9. Olav Lundanes - 15.00 points |
10. Anders Nordberg - 0.00 points |
1. Graham Gristwood - 13.50 points |
2. François Gonon - 0.00 points |
3. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
4. Fabian Hertner - 2.00 points |
5. Daniel Hubmann - 50.00 points |
6. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
7. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
8. Anders Nordberg - 0.00 points |
9. Mikhail Mamleev - 0.00 points |
10. Matthias Merz - 13.00 points |
1. Maja Alm - 34.50 points |
2. Mikkel Lund - 8.75 points |
3. Signe Søes - 22.00 points |
4. Tue Lassen - 0.00 points |
5. Anders Nordberg - 0.00 points |
6. Anne Margrethe Hausken - 0.00 points |
7. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
8. Emma Engstrand - 0.00 points |
9. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
10. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
1. Kiril Nikolov - 0.00 points |
2. Simone Niggli - 62.50 points |
3. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
4. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
5. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
6. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
7. Vendula Klechová - 0.00 points |
8. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
9. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
10. Valentin Novikov - 30.00 points |
1. Olli-markus Taivainen - 12.00 points |
2. Mats Haldin - 23.75 points |
3. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
4. Maria Rantala - 0.00 points |
5. Minna Kauppi - 40.00 points |
6. Peter Öberg - 1.00 points |
7. Tero Föhr - 20.00 points |
8. Hannu Airila - 0.00 points |
9. Heli Jukkola - 0.00 points |
10. Mårten Boström - 0.00 points |
1. Anne Margrethe Hausken - 0.00 points |
2. Øystein Kvaal Østerbø - 20.00 points |
3. Daniel Hubmann - 55.00 points |
4. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
5. Anders Nordberg - 0.00 points |
6. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
7. Marianne Andersen - 15.00 points |
8. Damir Kurmakaev - 0.00 points |
9. Alia Sitdikova - 0.00 points |
10. Denis Vlasov - 0.00 points |
1. Jani Lakanen - 0.00 points |
2. Fabian Hertner - 2.50 points |
3. Simone Niggli - 55.00 points |
4. Helena Jansson - 0.00 points |
5. Leonid Novikov - 0.00 points |
6. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
7. Dana Brožková - 0.00 points |
8. Maria Rantala - 0.00 points |
9. Lena Eliasson - 30.00 points |
10. Anders Tiltnes - 0.00 points |
1. Anne Margrethe Hausken - 0.00 points |
2. Siri Ulvestad - 0.00 points |
3. Ida Bobach - 0.00 points |
4. Signe Søes - 20.00 points |
5. François Gonon - 0.00 points |
6. Thierry Gueorgiou - 0.00 points |
7. Simone Niggli - 50.00 points |
8. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
9. Jenny Lönnkvist - 0.00 points |
10. Julian Dent - 0.00 points |
1. Tove Alexandersson - 0.00 points |
2. Emil Wingstedt - 0.00 points |
3. Mattias Millinger - 0.00 points |
4. Beata Falk - 0.00 points |
5. Johan Runesson - 0.00 points |
6. Erik Johansson - 0.00 points |
7. Kajsa Nilsson - 0.00 points |
8. Linnea Gustafsson - 0.00 points |
9. Martin Johansson - 0.00 points |
10. Annika Billstam - 25.00 points |
1. Ronaldo Almeida - 0.00 points |
2. Lizzie Adams - 0.00 points |
3. Manuel Negrello - 0.00 points |
4. Marco Seppi - 0.00 points |
5. João Mega Figueiredo - 0.00 points |
6. Joaquim Sousa - 0.00 points |
7. Manuel Horta - 0.00 points |
8. Joana Costa - 0.00 points |
9. Jorge Fortunato - 0.00 points |
10. Kris Jones - 0.00 points |
Rules/Instructions: Fantasy World Cup
Choose a Team consisting of 10 runners (you can choose arbitrary number of men/women) by dragging runners from the left column to the right column. You may have more than 10 runners in the right column, but only the 10 first count as your team and will give you points.
Points are calculated in the following way:
- For each World Cup race, your score is calculated as the World Cup points of the 10 runners in your team
- Your 10 best total sums of the 13 World Cup races count in the total figure
- You may drag as many runners over to your team in the right column as you want, but only the 10 topmost runners count in your sum
- Bonus: In each World Cup race, you get a bonus of 50% of the points for the runner who is on the top of your team-list. Another 25% bonus for the runner on second place on your team-list, and yet another 10% bonus for the runner who is number three on your team-list
- You can change which runners are in your team between each race
- Last chance to change your team ahead of each World Cup race is given in the overview table here.
- Note! This is a very experimental 'for-fun' service, and errors may (and will) occur. Only runners who have been competing in the World Cup/WOC/JWOC/EOC since 2007 may be included in your Team for now.
- Calculation of points will be done after each World Cup round - but you may change your team ahead of each competition.